

Beware of the Unexpected!
Paul Glover ©1996, 1997, 2024


A Dimensional Strategy Game

      SHOGI - THE NEXT GENERATION of players, as well as long time players, will find
themselves moving into the future with this exciting traditional game. The game relies
on all of the instructions for Shogi. However, because of the dimensional factor, there
is a need for additional instructions as to how the pieces move (Here's a Shogi download).

      The top and bottom boards each have 81 squares for a total of 162 squares.
The pieces are set up in this way: one player on the top board labelled "A" and the
other player on the bottom board in their traditional manner. The bottom board is
labelled "B." When recording games as they are played (Shogi notation), the board
level("A" or "B") is written in front of the square named. Both boards have a
promotion line. A previously captured piece may be dropped onto any vacant square
on either level, and this constitutes one move.

THE GAME PIECES all move and capture in their usual manner on any one board level. The 
movement from one board level to another, (either to a vacant square, or to capture an 
opponents piece) is as follows (see also these diagrams with more details):

All pieces, except the Knight and Bishop, can move to or capture directly below or above
the square on which it is sitting. Up or down does not constitute a backward movement.

K - KING:           - (If, for example, it was on level "A", second row) can move one
square away from the square on which it is sitting. Therefore, the nine squares below
it three in front, one directly below it, one on each side of it, and three behind it,
are the squares it can move to.

R - ROOK:           - (If on "A" level) can move to the square directly below it. When
it crosses the far side promotion line on ether level, it promotes. It gains the ability
to move eight more squares for a total of nine squares, same as the Ring.

B - BISHOP:         - Can move to the two squares diagonally forward or the two squares
diagonally to the rear (a total of four squares). Upon promotion, it can now move a 
total of eight squares. Three squares forward, one square right or left of it, and three
squares in the rear.

G - GOLD GENERAL:   - Can move one square away from itself in any direction except the
two diagonal squares to the rear (a total of seven squares).

S - SILVER GENERAL: - Can move to the three squares directly in front, one below, and 
the two diagonal squares to the rear (a total of six squares). Promotes as a Gold General.

N - KNIGHT:         - (If on "A" level) in one move goes forward two squares and drops
directly below the second square. Therefore moving like the shape of an "L" dimensionally.
It jumps over any piece in its way and lands on the vacant square or capturing the 
opponent piece on that square. From it's original position, (on "A" level) moving two
squares forward, it would land on the square beneath the pawn on the third row. Promotes
as a Gold General.

L - LANCE:          - Can move/capture the square directly below it or directly in front
of it (a total of two squares). It cannot retreat. Promotes as a Gold General.

P - PAWN:           - Same as Lance.

Shogi Related LINKS

   Find all about
shogi variant

- in Japanese

Popular 2D Games
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Once you've read and played these games you will understand how simple it is to translate any 2D flat board game into a 3D game. Also, what is a 3D game is explained on the backcover. These games might seem intimidating but they are easier to play, very exciting and will keep you on the edge of your seat for the whole game. It's been said by some players that they
...never want to go back to a regular flat board again.

6x9 book '3D chess checkers shogi' Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.