
I’m a SEO/web devel­op­er design­er coder (and now Respon­sive Web Design), 3D pho­tog­ra­ph­er, help­ing oth­er busi­ness own­ers to get found local­ly. Since 2001 I have been help­ing busi­ness with their web­sites and get­ting their web­sites found by search engines (besides help­ing them with oth­er com­put­er relat­ed issues).

How­ev­er when there’s time, play­ing real 3D chess, tak­ing 3D pic­tures, and for that mat­ter, any­thing 3D because that’s what this web­site, ‘Dimensionalized.com’ is all about. In-fact, that is what this web­site main­ly gets found for by search engines (things 3D). Recent­ly though, it has been found by search engines for oth­er things.

There are a lot web pages on this web­site Dimensionalized.com in which I try new things to keep up with tech­nol­o­gy. These few pages you see here in this WP theme is just top sur­face … Want to get to know me? Just start read­ing and clicking.

Paul Glover - Tony H. from Calgary (playing 3D Chess)