A very interesting opening by white. Very organized.
Jeff Burhans vs. Paul Glover (see also GAME #2 the rebutal!) PG (White) vs. JB (Black)
Dimensionalized Chess
Started: 24-June-2005
1. Ac1-Bb2 Af7-Bf6
2. Ah1-Bh1 Af8-Bg8
3. Af1-Bg2 Ab8-Ac6
4. Aa1-Ba1 Aa7-Ba6
5. Ad1-Be2 Ag8-Ah6
6. Aa2-Aa3 O-O
7. Bg2-Be4 Ad8-Be7
8. Be4-Ad5+ Ag8-Bf8
9. Bb2-Ba3 Ad7-Bd6
10. Be2-Bh5 Ac8-Ag4
11. Bh5-Bg4 Ac6-Be6
12. Ad5xAb7 Bf6-Bf5
13. Bg4-Ag3 Aa8-Ab8
14. Ab7xBa6 Ab8-Ac8
15. Ba1-Bg1 Ac7-Bc5
16. Bg1xBg8+ Bf8xBg8
17. Bh1-Bg1+ Bg8-Bf8
18. Ag3-Bg2 Ag7-Bg6
19. Bg2-Ba8+ Bf8-Ag7
20. Ba6-Bd3 Be6-Bf4
21. Bd3-Bc4 Ac8xAc2
22. Ba8-Bg8+ Ag7-Af6
23. Ba3-Bb2 Ah6-Bf6
24. Bg8xAh7 Ag4-Bh5 ( Bb2xAc2 - Bh5-Be2+, Bc4xBe2-Be7-Be2++ )however...#25
25. Bg1-Be1 Bh5-Ag6
26. Ah7xAg6+ Af6xAg6
27. Bb2xBc2+ resigns ... however take note of GAME #2 the rebutal!
Although white starts with a classic opening, he learns quick.
In this game, the action happens right away by the 3rd move.
This gets to the heart of dimensionalized chess. The push does not stop!
1. Ad2-Ad4 Aa7-Ba6
2. Af1-Be2 Ac8-Bb7
3. Ab1-Ac3 Bb7-Bg2 !
4. Ac1-Bc2 Ag7-Bg6
5. Aa2-Ba3 Ab8-Aa6
6. Be2-Af3 Bg2xAh1
7. Af3xAb7 ! Ah7-Bh5
8. Aa1xAa6 Aa8xAa6
9. Ab7xAa6 Ah1xAg2
10. Ag1-Af3 Ad8-Aa8
11. Aa6-Ad3 Bh5-Bh4
12. Ad3-Ae4 Aa8-Ba7
13. Ae4-Be3 Ba7-Bh7
14. Ad1-Be2 Ah8xAh2 !
15. Af3xAh2 Bh4-Ah3
16. Be3-Bf2 Ag2xBf2 +
17. Ah2xBf2 Ah3-Bh2
18. Be2-Af1 Ad7-Ad6
19. Bc2-Be4 Ag8-Be8
20. Bf2-Bg4 Af7-Af5
21. Bg4xBh2 Af5xBe4
22. Af1-Ah3 Af8-Bg8
23. Bh2-Bg4 Bh7-Bh1
24. Bg4-Bf2 Bh1-Bb1
25. Bf2xBe4 ? Bb1xBe4
26. Ba3-Aa4 Be4xAd4
27. Aa4-Aa5 Ad4-Aa7
28. Ab2-Ab4 Bg8-Bc4
29. Ah3-Ah8+ Ae8-Bd8
30. Ac3-Ae4 Bc4xAb4 +
31. Ae1-Af1 Aa7xAa5
32. Ae4-Be6 + Bd8-Bd7
33. Be6-Bf8 + Bd7-Bc6
34. Ah8-Ad8 Aa5-Aa1 +
35. Af1-Ag2 Aa1-Ag7 + (fork)
36. Ag2-Af1 Ag7xBf8
37. Ad8-Bc8 + Bc6-Ac5
38. Bc8xAc7 + Ac5-Ad5
Another Game...
1. Ac1-Bb2 Ae7-Be6
2. Ag1-Bg3 Af8-Be7
3. Ab1-Ac3 Aa8-Ba8
4. Aa2-Ba3 Ba8-Be8
5. Ag2-Ag3 Ag8-Af6
6. Af1-Ag2 Ac8-Bb8
7. Ab2-Bb4 Ab8-Aa6
8. Ae1-Ag1(O-O) Ad7-Bd6
9. Ac2-Bc4 Bb8-Ac8
10. Ad1-Aa4 + Ac7-Ac6
11. Bb2-Bg7 Be8-Bh8
12. Af1-Ae1 Ad8xAd2
13. Ae2-Be4 + Ac8-Ae6
14. Ac3-Ae4 Ad2-Bd3
15. Ae4-Ag5 Be7-Bf8
16. Ag5xAe6 Bf8xBg7
17. Ae6xAg7 + Ae8-Af8
18. Ag7-Bg5 Bd3xBc4 (Black seems lost, should be aiming for Bg2)
19. Aa4-Aa5 Bc4-Bc1
20. Aa5-Ag5 Bg7-Bb2
21. Ag5-Ag7 + Af8-Be8
22. Ag7-Bf7 + Be8-Bd8
23. Aa1-Ad1 Bh8-Bf8
24. Bf7xAf6 Ah8-Af8
25. Ad1-Ad8 + Af8xAd8 (Dimensional check)
26. Af6-Ae7 + Bd8-Bc8
27. Ae7xBf8 + Ad8-Bd8 (Divide Rooks and Conquer)
28. Bf8-Be7 Bb2-Bd4
29. Ae1-Ae8 Bc1-Ac1 +
30. Ag1-Bg2 Ac1-Bc2 +
31. Af2-Bf2 Aa6-Bc6
32. Be7xAf7 Bd8-Bh8
33. Af7-Af4 Bc6-Bb8
34. Ae8-Ae7 Bc2-Bb3 ?(He didn't see it coming)
35. Af4-Ac7 Mate
Here are more games to play out: No1 | No2
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